A plumber listing down what needs to be done while looking at the kitchen sink

It gets frustrating when a toilet gets clogged or a basement floods, and you have no personal knowledge about the source of the problem. While calling a plumber is often the smartest option in such situations, having your own understanding of how plumbing works and how to avoid plumbing problems can save you a great deal of stress and money in the future.

Talk to a Plumber

The best and most accurate information you find will always be straight from the mouth of a plumber. Although online plumbing articles can be intuitive and helpful, having a conversation face to face with a plumbing professional can provide you with clarity to questions an internet article might be vague on. To talk with a plumber, think of questions about problems they’ve personally seen in the past or what advice they’d give someone about plumbing best practices. Talking to one in your city will also ensure you have the most accurate information for your area.

Follow Websites

When a real-life plumber isn’t always at hand, website articles can still provide wisdom into the world of plumbing—as long as they are published by actual plumbing companies. A quality plumbing website will have information, not just for contacting them, but also for learning about the industry and helping people resolve what issues they can on their own. These articles provide an excellent insider’s look into the common causes behind problems such as leaky faucets and pipes, clogged drains and toilets, running toilets, and water heater issues. Depending on your interest and what you want to learn about, a well-developed website will have multiple articles to peruse.

Watch Videos

Talking to a plumber and reading information can orient around the ideas behind plumbing and the business, but seeing it in action is ultimately the most helpful way to learn. If you can’t follow a plumber around all day, watching videos about plumbing and plumbing fixes is the next best thing. Diagrams can help you imagine pipes and plumbing systems, but looking on Youtube or another video website for recorded visuals will always be more effective.


Plumbing is a lucrative business, and in general just a great skill to know. Regardless of where your interest in plumbing stems, you want accurate know-how, not just general information. Go to the source as best you can to learn more about plumbing for yourself!

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